ATDD Example Notes No jar files have been distributed with these files. You should get the appropriate jar files and make sure they are referenced in your project. The projects are set up to run in Eclipse. Setup for all tests: JUnit - HSQLDB (database) If you have an existing database, you can use it (see below for details) HSQLDB Startup Go to bin directory for HSQLDB and type RunServer (this might also be found in demo directory) Check its operation In Eclipse, Make sure JUnit is correctly referenced in the project Go to src/ and run as JUnit The first time, it will report an error, since it tries to delete all tables in non-existing database Subsequent times, it should run fine Fit Example (ATDDFitVersion) Additional Setup for Fit tests Fit (to run the Fit tests) To run Be sure fit.jar and hsqldb.jar are in the CLASSPATH Go to the bin directory in a command window and enter java fit.FileRunner CDTests.html results.html Or add them to the classpath (with appropriate path) java -classpath .;fit.jar;hsqldb.jar fit.FileRunner CDTests.html results.html Use your browser to look at results.html Cucumber Example (ATDDCucumber) Additional Setup for Cumber tests Cucumber (to run the Cucumber tests) You will need these or later: cucumber-core-1.0.14.jar cucumber-java-1.0.14.jar cucumber-junit-1.0.14.jar To run Be sure hsqldb.jar is in the CLASSPATH Run JUnitTest as a JUnit Go to the target directory and look at index.html FitNesse Example (ATDDFitNesseVersion) Setup: In addition to the standard setup, you need FitNesse from fitlibaryrunner.jar from Run: Start FitNesse with java ?jar fitnesse.jar Then navigate your browser to http://localhost If you already have something running on port 80, then start it with java ? jar fitnesse.jar ?p And navigate browser http://localhost: Setup: Edit the main page and add an entry RentalTests Save the main page, then click on the ? to create a new page Change the page properties to ?Test? Edit the page and copy in the contents of rentaltests.txt (in the root directory) Adjust the paths so that they point to the jar files and bin directories. You will need: fitlibaryRunner.jar fitnesse.jar hsqldb.jar After saving, click on the Test button on the left to run the tests. You may see an ?error ? not correct slim version?. If so, re-run the test and see if it corrects itself. Robot Example (ATDDRobotVersion) Setup: In addition to the common setup, you will need: Python ? Robot from fitlibaryrunner.jar from Run: Execute under RobotFixtures com.samscdrental.robot Open up report.html in RobotResults Existing database server: To use an existing database server, make the appropriate changes to the following in in com.samscdrental.dataaccess String userid="SA"; String password = ""; String url = "jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost"; String jdbcDriver = "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver";